Skin Conditions


Hangnails are not nails at all, but little triangular pieces of skin at the edge of a fingernail that occassionally bleed and, are often, quite irritating. They are more common in the winter due to dry skin from the cold winter air but harsh chemicals, nail biting, and excessive hand washing can also cause the development of hangnails. If not properly cared for, hangnails can be the site at which bacteria enters the skin and causes an infection around the nail cuticle.


Skin tags are outgrowths of normal skin. They are usually smaller than a pencil eraser in diameter and grow on a pedicle or stalk. They are sometimes called fibroepithelial polyps or acrochordons. Whatever you call them, they are harmless skin growths that typically do not hurt or itch. Almost 50% of the adult population has at least one skin tag and the chance of developing one increases with age. 


You put on your sunscreen, but clearly not enough. Maybe you missed a spot, or maybe just forgot the sunscreen altogether. Your skin is red and painful. It feels hot to the touch. You have it, sunburn!


·      Stay out of the sun to prevent further damage.

·      Take a pain reliever. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug like Advil or Motrin will relieve some of the discomfort and swelling.

·      Cool the skin with frequent cool compresses or take a cool shower or bath.


Did you ever wonder why the tips of the fingers wrinkle like a prune when exposed to water for a long period of time? People often think that osmosis causes water to enter the outer layer of skin making the fingertips swell. But since the 1930's, scientists have known that fingertips don't swell or wrinkle when there is nerve damage to the fingers, even with prolonged submersion in water. 


Cellulite is not a medical condition. It describes that lumpy dimpled flesh usually found on the upper thighs and buttocks that often make people feel self-conscious about wearing shorts or a bathing suit. Cellulite is a result of fat pushing against connective tissue causing the surface of the skin to pucker.


Many people have them, those dark circles under the eyes. They make the face look tired and older. They affect our self-esteem. Dark under eye circles can be seen with any skin type but are definitely more common in individuals with darker complexions.  


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